As I pulled up to the red light I couldn’t help but notice the crumpled-up box in the road next to me. Looking down to see what it might contain, bold words in red peered back at me: “Budweiser King of Beers.” The box was talking to me! Waiting for the light to turn green gave me ample time to muse over its silent message. “How prominent is that name among so many” I thought, “and how glorious is this brand among its devotees.” As quickly as those thoughts left me, my mind began to reflect on the myriad of lives that have been ruined by this product and the people I see lying around town, just like this box, in a wasted heap. Whether people believe the message on the box or just need something to fill their time, the contents of this box is directly related to many ruined lives. Yes, I agree that Budweiser is king…of something very sinister. Like an elusive terrorist he destroys families, children, reputations, purpose driven lives, and many innocent people. His ominous liquid has reduced many to a pile of rubble. Yet his creator and distributor have not been chased out of town or even brought to justice. Osama B. L. claimed responsibility for approximately 3000 lives on September 11, 2001 and angry Americans demanded justice and his arrest. The U.S.A. flew thousands of troops overseas to get payback. The irony is, nothings being said about the product who, like a terrorist is responsible for killing innumerable amounts of innocent people every year on our nation’s highways. And how about the many innocent children that are left to fend for themselves because of mom and dad’s fiendish drive to serve the “king?” Never in my lifetime has anyone given a “praise report” concerning the benefits of the “king.” No one has claimed that its golden liquid makes them wiser or more productive. At A.A. meetings, churches, courtrooms, and funerals I have never heard praises in favor of the “king.” In fact, all talk him down and put much blame on the “king.” The golden liquid has never healed a marriage, furthered a person’s education, or improved a relationship. But oh the horror stories concerning the destruction and the many tears that are shed over the “kings” devastation. Yet, what is so strange, the culprit continues to run rampant everywhere like a terrorist with a suitcase bomb. I see the “king” as a literal killer that has gained notoriety and acceptance. Each container is equipped with its own bomb ready to wipe out a family or injure innocent children. Many people will suffer needlessly tonight because of it. Will people ever get their eyes opened? When the light turned green I drove away from the crumpled box leaving it behind for someone else to gaze at. The message I received in a moment’s time was silent yet very loud and stirring. My mind wondered if the box would be talking to everyone like it did to me or would I be the only one to hear it? For more info you can visit us at Pastor Hyles was counseling a young lady when he told her she ought to go to a Christian college. She got very indignant and said, “You know I don’t have the money!” Pastor Hyles replied, “Oh I’m sorry, but wouldn’t it be nice if there was a God?” She answered, “There is a God!” “Oh,” he said, “Well wouldn’t it be nice if He weren’t flat broke?” She responded, “He is not flat broke!” “Oh,” said the pastor, “Wouldn’t it be nice if He wasn’t such a tightwad?” She retorted, “He is not a tightwad!” Then he snapped, “Wouldn’t it be nice if He did not hate you?” “What,” she cried, “HE DOESN’T HATE ME!” “O.K. then,” said Pastor Hyles, “Wouldn’t it be nice if He knew you needed to go to college?” The young lady resounded, “There is a God! He’s not broke! He’s not a tightwad! He loves me! He does know that I need to go to college and I’m going to college next year!” A few days later she came to her pastor with $200 wadded up in bills and she said, “This is from people I don’t even know! There is a God and He’s not broke and He loves me!” What is faith? It is taking an unwavering stand for what we believe in then refusing to be moved by doubt or circumstances until our faith develops. Unwavering faith is exactly what it takes to be victorious. Jesus said, “If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20). If we are double minded we cannot expect our faith to develop because, “A double minded person is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8). Unstable in all his ways! The famous tenor Luciano Pavarotti once said: “When I was a boy my father introduced me to the wonders of song. He urged me to work very hard to develop my voice. Arrigo Pola, a professional tenor in my hometown of Modena, Italy took me in as a pupil. I also enrolled in a teacher’s college. On graduating I asked my father, ‘Shall I become a teacher or a singer?’ ‘Luciano,’ my father replied, ‘If you try to sit on two stools you will fall between them. For your life, you must choose one stool.’ I chose one. It took seven years of study and much frustration before I made my first professional appearance. It took another seven years to reach the grand Metropolitan Opera. And now I think whether it is laying bricks, writing a book, or whatever we choose, we should give ourselves to it. Commitment, that’s the key. We must choose one stool.” Pavarotti’s words are not only wisdom in choosing a career, but very good spiritual advice concerning our faith. Too often the mistake we make is we are divided; therefore, we lack faith. Being double minded is a sign of weakness. Having faith in one-thing keeps us single minded which will produce results. Faith is not magic. It is a firm belief that no one can destroy. It is a solid rock. For more info you can visit us at A Christian farmer was asked to have dinner with a well-known businessman. Just before they ate, the farmer bowed his head and gave thanks for the food as he was always accustomed to doing. The businessman said in a mocking way, “That is old fashioned! It is not in-vogue for well-educated people to pray before they eat.” The farmer answered him matter-of-factly that with him it was his custom and that he would always thank God for his food. Then he looked straight into the businessman’s eyes and said, “But there are some on my farm that will never pray before they eat.” “Ah, then,” said the businessman, “They are the sensible and wise ones. Who are they?” The farmer answered, “My pigs!” Our planet has more than enough water and food to sustain all life, but are we thankful? Do we give God thanks or are we like the farmer’s pig that eats acorns under the oak tree never looking up to see where they come from? We must remember that, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17). We must be thankful for our health, shelter, and life. Too many people do not appreciate what they have until they lose it. How true this reality is to those who have just lost their homes and all of their possessions in the raging California forest fires. They are devastated with their losses. A story from World War II tells of a man who stood in the street and gazed at his bomb-shattered home. He said to his wife, “This morning someone came into the bomb-shelter and told me that we have lost everything. That is a bold-faced lie. Thank God, I have my health and strength to carry on with life. I still have you, my dear, and the children. Thank God, we are all safe. Our enemy smashed our home but not our faith in the love and wisdom of God or our love for each another. We still have hope for the future, we can still carry ourselves, and we can still call our souls our own. We can pick up the pieces to rebuild bigger and better. So I reckon that you and I ought to thank God that we have saved much more than what we lost. Our house and property may be wrecked and ruined, but you and I can still hold on to things which can never be shaken or destroyed.” Instead of falling into despair then drowning in the black waters of depression the man raised his spirit with the attitude of thanks. There is oh such power in the attitude of gratitude. A thief broke into the modest dwelling of Matthew Henry, the Bible scholar and stole his wallet. He, far from being down-cast, turned to his diary and entered an amazing comment: “Let me be thankful, first, because the thief never robbed me before; second, although he took my wallet, he did not take my life; third, although he took all I possessed, it was not much; fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.” For more info you can visit us at |
Pastor J.C. Myers, III
Pastor J.C. founded Joy Christian Ministries in 1992. He was Sr. Pastor at Joy Christian Ministries in West Sacramento, California from 1992-2016. He was succeeded by his 2nd son, Pastor Brandon Myers who had been under his father's ministry and teaching for 39 years. Archives
February 2017