![]() A pastor was counseling a woman who was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She was powerless against the pressure she was facing so she asked her pastor, “What can I do?” The pastor responded, “Will you do what I tell you to do?” “YES” she whispered. The pastor knew that the woman loved to cook so he instructed: “On Monday, I want you to bake some bread. Then on Tuesday, take it to the nursing home. Go into the area where the elderly fellowship and play games. Pass out the bread and talk to them. Stay for about an hour. Don’t worry about not knowing anyone, because you’ll know them all before you leave. On Wednesday, bake some cookies then on Thursday take them to the children’s hospital and find a worker to help you pass them out to the kids who most need a visitor. Talk to as many of them as you can. Stay for about an hour. On Friday I want you to come back and see me.” As she left his office it was obvious that she didn’t think much of his plan. In fact, she looked disgusted. When Friday came the pastor was very disappointed when she didn’t show for her appointment. Approximately three weeks had passed before she made her way back to the pastor. “Sorry I haven’t been back to see you,” she said, “But I’ve been busy working at the nursing home and the children’s hospital.” He asked, “Well, how are you coping with things?” Smiling, she said, “I’m doing super. I’ve never been so good. All the depression and darkness is gone.” The pastor helped this despondent woman turn her life around by getting her mind off of herself. She got busy helping others instead of sitting around meditating on her problems. Rather than camping out on her personal troubles, she began showing interest in other people and when she did, suddenly she discovered that not only were her plights not so bad, but that life has a purpose she had been missing for so long. The best cure for depression is: get out of yourself and begin doing something productive for others that will encourage them. There is nothing quite as encouraging as encouraging others. Set aside all the demands you have for yourself and start blessing others with your talents. If stress or worry is taking its toll on your mind try taking the advice of the pastor. Find your own version of a nursing home or a children’s hospital. It may not be the same where you live, but there are opportunities galore to help people. Invest yourself into others who cannot truly do for themselves and you will notice an electrical charge light up inside you. The best part of this is, the negative impulses inside your mind will give way to positive ones. I don’t know how to explain it, but when we see others being helped by our personal involvement all those ugly feelings just sort of melt away. So, the best medicine for stress or anxiety is to break out of one’s-self and start doing something amazing for others. For more info you can visit us at www.JoyChristianMinistries.com |
Pastor J.C. Myers, III
Pastor J.C. founded Joy Christian Ministries in 1992. He was Sr. Pastor at Joy Christian Ministries in West Sacramento, California from 1992-2016. He was succeeded by his 2nd son, Pastor Brandon Myers who had been under his father's ministry and teaching for 39 years. Archives
February 2017