![]() Alan Stewart writes: A few weeks ago, a scene played out at the car wash that reminded me of the awesome responsibility I have as a father. My son Seth tagged along with me to the car wash and he watched intently as I placed a dollar bill into the change machine. No one was more surprised than I was when instead of getting four quarters back the machine gave me a five dollar bill! It is amazing what will go through one’s mind in such a moment. However, after a few minutes, a man drove up who appeared to be the owner of the car wash. Having watched this entire scene, but never saying a word, my son then asked very subtly, “Dad, are you going to give that money back to him?” I could have played dumb or I could have lied. But, I knew my son was right. I went over to the man and explained the odd sequence of events and made it right. As I turned around I saw my son simply smiling at me with glowing eyes. I was reminded that not only were there little eyes watching every move I make, but I also have a choice in how I live before those eyes. If character is who we are when no one is watching, then integrity is living with open honor and honesty before all. There is a phrase that is often repeated in the Old Testament: “He walked in the ways of his father…” More often than not, these words were spoken in a negative connotation. However, David was a king who left such an impact on the world that others behind him were challenged to walk as he walked. Have you ever pondered the pathways and steps that your father walked? Deep inside that trail is found either the secret of life to sustain you or the disappointments of life that confuse and disillusion you. Perhaps your father has a stately stride, confident eyes like an eagle, or even physical prowess that would rival Samson. But in the final analysis of his life, what he leaves in his footsteps is the essence of who he was at heart. And this is what he is remembered by. Being a male is a matter of birth; being a man is a matter of choice. A man has true conviction. And real conviction is never a blind shot in the dark. It is the God-led assurance of doing what is best for others and what is absolutely right. A man who does not have the conviction to know where he is going in life is destined to lead others astray. He is like a blind man leading the blind. A real man will have steps that are both sure and steady. His integrity will always show itself in the choices he makes. Joshua is a good example. He said, “…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). In the face of opposition he had the courage to stand for God and the right. Notice, he said, “My house too! Everyone under my roof is going to serve God!” He wasn’t playing. Great men, like Joshua, are remembered for finishing a task no matter how challenging. They are known for their integrity and their unwavering faith. For more info you can visit us at www.JoyChristianMinistries.com |
Pastor J.C. Myers, III
Pastor J.C. founded Joy Christian Ministries in 1992. He was Sr. Pastor at Joy Christian Ministries in West Sacramento, California from 1992-2016. He was succeeded by his 2nd son, Pastor Brandon Myers who had been under his father's ministry and teaching for 39 years. Archives
February 2017