Every baby starts life like a little savage--completely egotistical and self-centered. Babies want what they want, when they want it, be it a bottle, mother's attention, or a dry diaper. Deny a baby these "wants" and he or she is seized with rage. Babies have no morals, no knowledge, and no skills for survival. All children, not just certain ones, are potential delinquents!
If permitted to continue in the self-centered world of their infancy, where they gave free rein to every impulse and had every want instantly gratified, all children would grow up in that mold of depravity. That is the stuff out of which are made thieves, criminals, killers, rapists, and miserable people. They are not happy unless they are gratifying their flesh. Then, are they really happy? We are told that suicide kills more people in America, every year, than car accidents. Why? Because people are not happy. They have stuff coming out of their ears and are greedy for more. And the more that they get the unhappier they are. We have too much stuff and we are unhappy. Just recently a ten year old boy got mad at his mother because she took his video game away and he hung himself. Obviously, he was permitted to continue in the self-centered world of his infancy. He got want he wanted or would throw a tantrum. He never learned to be patient, obedient, and respectful. He was an adolescent with an infant's mind. Denote, unhappy people are self-seeking and will usually have wild mood swings or experience deep depression. They can have a short fuse and make life miserable for others. They can turn a party into a disaster. We must teach temper with temperament if we plan for our children to mature into successful adults. If you give a child a gun or money, 9 times out of 10, he will have an immature attitude toward them. He will have no respect for either and possibly misuse them. It is the parents responsibility to teach their children the good from the bad and how to be respectable citizens so they will mature and develop a healthy attitude. One day some guys put Limburger cheese very gently on a friend's moustache while he slept. He woke up about an hour later and said, "This room stinks!" He walked into the hall and said, "This hall stinks!" He walked into the living room and said, "This living room stinks!" Then, greatly perplexed as to where the smell was coming from, he walked outside and exclaimed, "This whole world stinks!" And the real problem was right under his own nose--just like the problems of the world. If we will take the initiative to clean up our own lives and to train up our own children in the way they should go there will be a big improvement in our world. Instead of looking to the government for instruction and to the school for discipline we have to take the bull by the horns and start doing what is right at home. If we will start today there will be hope and peace for the next generation of children. For more info you can visit us online at www.JoyChristianMinistries.com. Sunday morning worship at Joy begins at 10:00 a.m. Come with expectation & anticipation! |
Pastor J.C. Myers, III
Pastor J.C. founded Joy Christian Ministries in 1992. He was Sr. Pastor at Joy Christian Ministries in West Sacramento, California from 1992-2016. He was succeeded by his 2nd son, Pastor Brandon Myers who had been under his father's ministry and teaching for 39 years. Archives
February 2017