There’s an ancient Chinese philosophy that says, “To be dry and thirsty in a hot and dusty land then to feel great drops of rain on my bare skin—ah, is this not happiness? To have an itch in the private parts of my body and to finally escape from the public into a hiding place where I can scratch—ah, is this not happiness?” Pain and pleasure are inextricably linked. The pleasure would not exist, or at least be recognized, if it were not for pain.” (Philip Yancey; Where is God when it hurts?; Grand Rapids; Zondervan, 1978, p.46). Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, and shouts in our pain. It is His megaphone to arouse us from sleep. Pain has a purpose. Dr. Paul Brand of Carville, Louisiana, one of the world’s foremost experts on leprosy, describes how “leprosy patients lose their fingers and toes, not because the disease can cause decay, but precisely because they lack pain sensations. Nothing warns them when water is too hot or a hammer handle is splintered. Accidental self-abuse destroys their bodies.” Nearly all addicts have some sort of pain in their lives that they have not dealt with properly. And instead of seeking a resolution from God they try to escape the pain by self-medicating. At first there is some pleasure or relief; however, the pleasure quickly turns into more pain and self-abuse which causes them to up the dosage. Now listen, the one and only genuine pain killer is the forgiving power of God’s love. His love is full of healing. His forgiveness is full of pain killer. And if we forgive those who hurt us we will be healed. For each person who is experiencing an addiction that was caused by pain, a spiritual awakening will bring healing and restoration. The bondage of drugs or alcohol can be broken with the touch of God’s grace and mercy. And on this note, so can the pain of depression and loneliness; it can be healed. I know there are many things that can cause pain, but there is One who can kiss the pain away permanently. Of course we have to do our part such as get rid of those things that cause pain. We must lay aside every sin and weight that so easily besets us or trips us up. If we flirt with a rattlesnake we can expect to get hurt and if we play with sins we can expect pain. It is so cool to see that people are experiencing freedom from pain and addictions the true way. They are coming to Christ and He is setting them free from so much pain. Just a few minutes ago a brother left my office rejoicing that he has been set free from pain, hate, and several addictions. He knows what pain is and what he had to do to be delivered. He is now living a full and exciting life in Christ. The pain of sin brought him to the realization that he needed a savior. He wanted a permanent fix. Of course, he was giving God glory for salvation and his pain free life. Now he is a strong believer, for he knows. For more info you can visit us at |
Pastor J.C. Myers, III
Pastor J.C. founded Joy Christian Ministries in 1992. He was Sr. Pastor at Joy Christian Ministries in West Sacramento, California from 1992-2016. He was succeeded by his 2nd son, Pastor Brandon Myers who had been under his father's ministry and teaching for 39 years. Archives
February 2017